black and white bed linen

Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church

in San Andreas, California.

Welcome to St. Matthew's Episcopal Church

A welcoming Episcopal community in San Andreas, California, led by Reverend Karen Matthews. Join us for Sunday services at 10:00 AM and experience our vibrant church life.

Sunday Services Schedule

Join us for worship every Sunday at 10:00 AM at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church.


12 Morning Prayer Service + Annual Perish Meeting

19 Eucharist Service with Rev. Karen Matthews + Bishop David

26 Morning Prayer Service


2 Eucharist Service with Rev. Karen Matthews

Rev. Karen Matthews is from New Zealand, where she has led five congregations at five different Episcopalean churches, including the Maori Tangi te Keo Rohe of Wellington.

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in San Andreas welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds, including the LGBTQ+ community.

Rev. Karen is also the Priest in Charge of St. James Sonora

Blessing of the animals